You should be aware that your payment is taken automatically online at the time you place your order. Sometimes this will be due to overwhelming demand, and sometimes it will be due to circumstances beyond our control, such as the item having gone to reprint or out of print. No matter how good our stock control, there will occasionally be times when a particular item is not immediately available. To keep our prices competitive we do not keep huge stocks of any particular item. We aim simply to provide you with a reliable service at a reasonable cost. However, we have learned from experience not to make promises regarding delivery. Delivery TimesWe aim to dispatch every order within 24 hours excluding weekends. If you need to place an order with a value of more than £200 please call +44 (0)1304 872 812 or email us with your requirements. All international deliveries will be sent via a tracked service where available. Your delivery charge will be calculated at the checkout. If you need to place an order with a net value of more than £500 please call +44 (0)1304 872 812 or email us with your requirements. All deliveries to the EU will be sent via a tracked service where available.
Please see our notes on Delivery Times below for more information. All delivery charges are calculated by order value.Īll deliveries within the UK are sent by Royal Mail First Class Post or 24-Hour Parcelforce dependent on weight. Item prices quoted on our website do not include delivery. All orders will be manually checked before despatch, and we will notify customers of any problems by email. We will be limiting international orders to Printed Music only. Please note however, that we will not be shipping Tax Rated products overseas, this includes products such as instruments and accessories. We are pleased to announce that we have reactivated international shipping to all destinations, effective 28th October 2021.